Avondale Partners is pleased to announce that it recently served as the exclusive financial advisor to Home Health Care of East Tennessee, Continue Care and affiliates (“Home Health Care of East Tennessee” or “the Company”) regarding their sale to Adoration Home Health & Hospice, a subsidiary of BrightSpring Health Services.
Headquartered in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Home Health Care of East Tennessee was founded in 1983. Since then, the Company has provided skilled home care, hospice and private duty services to patients in East Tennessee, West Tennessee and Mississippi. The sale achieved the shareholders’ objectives of realizing liquidity and ensuring that the Company’s patients continue to receive high quality care.
In addition, the acquisition is a good strategic fit for Adoration Health as it capitalizes on the two companies’ collective footprint throughout Tennessee and Mississippi. Adoration Health serves approximately 1,200 individuals in 24 counties across Middle Tennessee. Home Health Care of East Tennessee serves patients in 17 counties in southeastern Tennessee, 4 counties in West Tennessee and 14 counties in western Mississippi. Adoration Health is a part of the BrightSpring Health Services family of brands.
Contact Information:
For questions about the transaction or Avondale Partners’ healthcare investment banking services, please contact Jonathan Morphett (615-467-3533; jmorphett@avondalepartnersllc.com) or Neil Herndon (615-467-3529; nherndon@avondalepartnersllc.com).